Glenn Currie

I have known Mark Ciborowski for about 30 years and worked with him closely since the 1980s when I was chair of the Downtown Concord Revitalization Corporation.  Everything I have seen Mark do in relation to the community and in relation to his own buildings has been done in a high-quality way. I am going to be a lender in helping to save Phenix hall.

I think it will be a first-class project that will be a great benefit to the downtown community and the city of Concord.  I love his approach to financing it by asking for loans rather than contributions. Although the loans will be at a below market rate it will be more than fully collateralized by his other buildings.  

I plan to be a lender and hope that others will consider doing the same.  It should be a great project for Concord and will preserve a wonderful historical facility. I urge you to visit Phenix Hall and look at the project.


Glenn K. Currie

The Phenix Block

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(603) 225-7737